Signature Manager Exchange Edition

User Manual

Exclaimer Products

Advanced fields

Fields in the advanced fields section are summarized below:



Conditional field

Set conditions under which Active Directory information will or will not be included. For further information please refer to the conditional field topic.

Other User's AD field

Add Active Directory information for another (specified) user. Once this field is added, the other user's AD field window is displayed so you can choose what Active Directory information to include and for whom:

Other user's AD field

Here, you can select Active Directory details to be included for another user (i.e. a user who is not actually sending the message). You can include details for:

  • The message sender's manager (as identified from the content of the sender's manager display name field in the Active Directory)

  • A specified user from the Active Directory (click the browse [...] button to select the required user)

  • The person who has delegated another user to send email messages on their behalf (please refer to the fields > message sent on behalf section for an explanation of the sent on behalf scenario)

  • The user matched for a query defined using exchange advanced fields

Using field content options (at the top of this window) you can choose to include information from a single Active Directory field, or multiple fields. For a single field, select the down arrow and make your selection:

Other user's AD field

For multiple fields, click the [...] button to open the expandable field editor and then select all required fields:

Expandable field editor

Click OK to confirm your selections and exit back to the updated other user's AD field window - for example:

Other user's AD field


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