Template Editor

User Manual

Exclaimer Products

The RTF editor toolbar

RTF templates can include standard formatting options and dynamic content fields:

The Rich Text toolbar

These options are summarized below:

Toolbar Option



Save and close the current template and return to the template library.


Mode options are used to switch between different view modes. Choose from:

  • design - view and work with the WYSIWYG editor

  • preview - preview the template applied to a test message


Editor options are used to perform key editorial tasks. Choose from:

  • undo - undo the last action in the editor

  • redo - redo the last action in the editor


Clipboard options are used to manipulate text. Choose from:

  • copy - copy currently selected text to the Windows clipboard

  • cut - remove currently selected text and copy it to the Windows clipboard

  • paste - paste previously copied text at the current cursor position


Font options are used to apply formatting to text.

  • font name - select the required font from the drop-down list

  • font size - select the required font size from the drop-down list

Remaining options are summarized below, listed from left to right:

bold, italic, underline, strike through, sub script, super script, highlight color, font color.


Paragraph options are used to apply paragraph formatting. Options are summarized below, listed from left to right:

numbered list, bulleted list, outdent, indent, align left, center, align right, justify.



Insert options are used to insert Active Directory fields into the template.



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