Template Editor

User Manual

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List of fields

The list of fields is used to choose a number of fields to be added, together with associated labels.

Having added a list of fields, you can specify font properties for all labels, so there is no need to format each label individually unless you have a particular need for doing so. You can also choose how the fields and labels should be displayed  - for example, you might choose to use a tabular layout or as a single line with a given separator.

The example below shows an extract from a template in both design and preview modes. Here, a list of fields element has been added to insert three fields with associated labels, displayed as a single line with a separator:

Design Mode

Preview Mode

List of fields - design mode

List of fields - preview mode

Adding a list of fields

  1. To add a list of fields, use the fields panel to insert a list of fields field. When this field is added to a template, the list of fields window is displayed:

    List of fields
  2. Click the add button to add the first required field. The add field window is displayed:

    Add field
  3. Enter a label for the field and use the arrow associated with field to choose the required field:

    Choose field
  4. Add as many fields as required in this way and then click OK to return to the template editor, where the list of fields element is added to the template:

    List of fields added

Changing the appearance of all field labels

To quickly change the appearance of all labels in a list of fields, simply select the list of fields element and update font settings within the label font section of the properties pane:

Appearance properties

Choosing how a list of fields is arranged

By default, a list of fields is presented in tabular form, with labels in the left-hand column and fields on the right. If required, you can change the arrangement using layout > arrangement settings in the properties pane:

List of fields arrangement

Available options are summarized below:



In a table with each field and each label in separate cells

This is the default setting with field labels in the left-hand column and fields on the right:

In a table with each field and each label in separate cells - preview

With this option, additional properties are available so you can also specify how the table should be displayed:

In a table with each field and each label in separate cells - properties

In a table with each label and field in the same cell

Arranges the label and field in the same cell:

In a table with each label and field in the same cell - preview

With this option, additional properties are available so you can also specify how the table should be displayed:

In a table with each label and field in the same cell - properties

One field after another with an optional separator

With this option, each label and field is arranged in a continuous line, optionally delimited by a separator:

One field after another with an optional separator - preview

The separator is defined using the field separator property, which is available when this option is selected:

Separator characters

Having added a separator, you can apply formatting for your chosen character using separator font properties:

Format separators

Each field on a new line

Use this option to display each label and field together on a new line:  

Each field on a new line - preview

Allow fields to control the layout

Select this option to accept the most appropriate layout as determined by fields you have selected for inclusion:

Allow fields to control the layout - preview



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