Template Editor

User Manual

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User > general fields

Fields in the general fields section are summarized below:



Contact Block

A block of contact information for the user in tabular form. Once selected, you can choose fields to be grouped in a table as a standard contact block. This is a good way to add signature-type details, since you can suppress fields if they are blank and so avoid blank lines in a signature (or any other block of fields).

First Name

The first name of the user.


Initials for the user.

Last name

The last name of the user.

Display name

Display name for the user.


Description information for the user.


Office information for the user.

Telephone Number

Telephone number for the user.

Other Telephone Number

Other telephone number for the user.


E-mail address for the user.

E-mail (as hyperlink)

Displays a hyperlink window with predefined settings to insert your email address as a hyperlink. You can just accept these properties or change if required.

Web Page

Web page address for the user.

Web Page (as hyperlink)

Web page address for the user, presented as a hyperlink.

Other Web Page

Alternative web page for the user.

Personal Block

Inserts display name, title and company fields as a block.



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